The micro switch is a contact structure with fine contact spacing and quick-action structure, and the switch posture is developed with the required stroke arrangement and required force. It is covered with a casing and has a driver rod outside. The contact point interval is relatively small, so it is called a micro switch, also called a smart switch. Also known as smart switch, snap switch. A snap switch that applies pressure. Used for door switches in anti-theft systems, etc.
Classification of micro switches
There are many varieties of micro switches, and there are countless types of structures. According to the volume, they are general-purpose, small and medium-sized, and ultra-small; according to the safety protection characteristics, there are moisture-proof, anti-fouling, and explosion-proof types; according to the breaking method. , there are single type, double type, multi-link type.
There is also this kind of strong breaking micro switch (when the reed of the switch fails, the external force can also break the switch); according to the breaking capacity, there are general-purpose, DC, micro-current, large current type.
According to the application and natural environment, there are general type, heat-resistant type (250℃), super heat-resistant porcelain type (400℃)
The micro switch is usually based on the unassisted tap note, and it has a small stroke arrangement and a large stroke arrangement. Different auxiliary tap auxiliary parts can be added according to necessity. According to the different tap auxiliary parts added, switches can be divided into button type, reed roller type, lever roller type, short boom type, long boom type, etc. various ways.
In terms of specifications, there are small and medium-sized, ultra-small, super small and medium-sized, etc. There is a moisture-proof type. The most common use is that of computer mouse function keys.
(1) Small and medium micro switches:
Usually the specifications are 27.8 long, 10.3 wide, 15.9 high, and the main parameters are high capacity, low load, etc.
(2) Ultra-small micro switch
Usually the specifications are length 19.8 width 6.4 height 10.2, which have different characteristics of high precision and high service life.
(3) Super small and medium micro switch
Usually, the specifications are 12.8 in length, 5.8 in width and 6.5 in height, and this type has a very thin layout.
(4) Waterproof type

The force of the external mechanical equipment will act on the posture reed according to the components of the transmission system (press pins, buttons, levers, rollers, etc.) The moving contact point and fixed contact point of the terminal are quickly connected or disconnected.
When the interaction force on the components of the transmission system is removed, the posture reed will cause the posture force in the opposite direction. When the stroke arrangement in the opposite direction of the components of the transmission system exceeds the posture zero point of the reed, the instantaneous speed will be in the opposite direction.
The contact point interval of the micro switch is small, the posture stroke arrangement is short, the driving force is small, and the conduction is fast. The action speed of the moving contact point is irrelevant to the action speed of the transmission system components.

The micro switch has a fine contact pitch and a quick-action structure. The contact structure of the switch posture is carried out with the required stroke arrangement and force. It is covered by the casing. The micro switch of Ogo Electronics is composed of 10 components.
1 and 2: The raw material used for the top cover and bottom cover is PBT30%GF
3: The key material is PBT30%GF
4: The raw material of the converter is beryllium bronze
5: The raw material of the spring is beryllium bronze
6: The raw material of the support frame is copper
7: The raw material of the NC terminal is red copper
8: The raw material of NO terminal is red copper
9: The raw material of the terminal is silver aluminum alloy
10: The raw material of the conversion film is silver aluminum alloy

Micro switches are used to carry out automatic control systems and safety maintenance in machinery and equipment that need to be frequently connected to power circuits, and are used in electronic products, instrumentation equipment, mining, power supply systems, electrical products, electrical equipment, as well as aerospace, aviation Companies, warships, cruise missiles, meat tanks and other defense industries have long been used in left and right industries. Although the switch is small, it has an irreplaceable effect.
At this stage, the micro switches in the Chinese market are different according to the application regulations. The service life of the mechanical equipment of the switch varies from 3W times to 1000W times, usually 10W, 20W, 50W, 100W, 300W, 500W and 800W times. China usually uses beryllium bronze, tin bronze and stainless steel wire as reeds. Overseas ALPS can guarantee a maximum of 1000W times. Their reeds are made of non-ferrous metal titanium.
It can be used in such as computer mouse, car mouse, automotive electronic products, communication equipment, military products, testing equipment, natural gas water heaters, gas stoves, small electrical appliances, microwave heating, rice cookers, floating ball machinery and equipment, medical machinery, building automation, Pneumatic tools and general electrical equipment and cordless telephone equipment, 24-hour timers, etc.