Micro switches are generally based on unassisted pressing accessories as the basic type, and small stroke types and large stroke types are derived. Different auxiliary pressing accessories can be added according to the needs. According to the different pressing accessories added, the switches can be divided into various forms such as button type, reed roller type, lever roller type, short boom type, long boom type and so on. Do you know that there are also micro switches in the elevators we take.
In our daily elevator use, when we want to reach that floor, we can reach the floor we want to go by pressing the elevator floor button, and the induction device of the elevator system will complete the corresponding braking command. When the brake command is working, the micro switch will also send out the action command. At this time, the micro switch will send out the action command of normally disconnecting and closing and closing and opening to the elevator system. This shows that the brakes of the elevator are normal and effective. On the contrary, the elevator system will activate the alarm and emergency standby braking procedures to protect life;

Usually, the upper and lower ends of the elevator shaft are equipped with control switches, which are used to control deceleration and stop. According to the elevator running direction, first encounter the forced deceleration switch. When encountering a high-speed elevator deceleration switch, there will be three levels of deceleration switches, or even more; the elevator car will perform a deceleration action after encountering the deceleration switch. When the elevator car touches the up (down) micro switch, it will stop running up (or down) immediately, but it can still run up (or down).
The application of micro switch is not only elevator, its application scope has penetrated into all aspects of our life, For example in electronic equipment, instrumentation, mining, power system, household Electrical appliances, electrical equipment, and military fields such as aerospace, aviation, ships, missiles, tanks, etc., have been widely used. Although the switch is small, it plays an irreplaceable role.

1. The current and voltage used are relatively small, so it is best to use low-power circuit devices at this time, and it is best not to use copper wires, because the safety problem of electricity will occur.
2. If the environment used is relatively humid or the temperature is relatively high, it is best to use composite silver gold-plated points.
3. When opening or closing, try not to be too large, and do not open or close frequently, otherwise the service life will be reduced.
4. When using, in order to prevent the screw from loosening and damage, it is best to use a washer, in this way, the device will be firmer and not easy to fall off.